Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Praise Dance Names

The failure of multiculturalism in Belgium

Nicolas Sarkozy , David Cameron and Angela Merkel have all recently spoken of the failure of multiculturalism in their respective countries.

A new striking proof of the failure of multiculturalism policies comes from elsewhere in Belgium, that country's unique culture walloflamande as everyone knows. For, despite a policy that recognized the rights of minorities exorbitant alien whose ability to access high positions in state institutions, this is one of those foreign elements resigns serving Prime Minister to go enlist in a foreign army, the symbol of the native culture of the individual.

Otherwise this Belgian citizen would have done the opposite approach, like his compatriot Arno Klarsfeld. Yes, he made his first military service abroad to return home and be assigned a mission to serve the state

But perhaps this should be blamed for starting the exacerbated anti-Semitism that exists in Belgium? Yes, because this argument can not be contradicted because, as can be read on the 2010 report of : What counts up or down, it's also the feelings of insecurity and unease are the barometer of antisemitism
One way to see who recalls that definition would be that the anti-Semite now less somebody one who does not like Jews than anyone that the Jews do not like.

the oldest rookie of the Israeli army began its service
Patrick Shoval, 37, left a comfortable job in the office of Belgian Prime Minister to serve Israel
By Yoav Zitun , Yediot Aharonot (Sionistan) February 3, 2011, translated from English by Djazaïri

David Patrick Shoval emigrated from Belgium to Israel six months ago at the age of 37 years, and joined the Israeli army. To do this, he had to abandon his career as a lawyer and environmental specialist at the office of prime minister in Brussels.

David is one of 300 blue from over 35 different countries who complete this Wednesday Hebrew classes taught by the military.

"I absolutely love Israel, and for me Israel wants to be first to say serve in the Israeli army, "said Shoval in Yediot.
Belgian immigration should be used as the army responsible for the protection of the environment, along with his doctoral studies at the University of Tel Aviv.

Shoval, temperament solitary soldier, speaks to the approval of his parents. "They love Israel," he said, adding that fighting will not work because of his age.
The upper of Shoval, Lieutenant Dafna Barhados, barely more than half his age. "Of course it was weird to order early because of the age difference, but what matters is that he is a soldier like the others," she said.
"Of course he clearly had special qualities because of his age, but he was motivated and wanted to serve in the Israeli army."

D Other immigrants came from the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Paraguay, Peru, Georgia, Canada, South Africa knew, Turkey, Azerbaijan and other countries, will be alongside in the database Shoval Mahvi-Alon in Galilee, where they will complete their solemn study of Hebrew.

This will be one of the most important ceremonies in the history of the Israeli army. Graduates will have studied reading and writing for three months in preparation for their inclusion in Israeli society.

addition to Hebrew, cadet training discusses Israel and its history. They visit Jerusalem and other sites and military bases. "It the true Zionism, "said Maj. Karen Kamerinsky who assumed command of immigrants [those who make their" return "to Zion] in the database.

"The real Zionism is for them to leave their parents to enlist in the Israeli army and to make significant changes in their life just to serve the state." According to Major, about half of young men engaged in combat units.


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