Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lupus Coaglunt Is Not Detected

ALSACE and VotreAlsace.com to GERSTHEIM

Here is a site that has great pictures, really beautiful about the exhibitors, to watch without restrictions: http://www.votrealsace.com/2010/06/23/des- fingers-of-fees-in-garden
You will also find on this website all the details of exhibitors so you can contact them if you wish. THANK
to all exhibitors and visitors for this beautiful weekend where you are always more numerous
THANK also the photographer of "votrealsace.com" which has so graciously beautiful pictures and layouts. Hervé is, you can contact if you need photos for advertising, flyers or even creating a site is really top what he did. To get an idea check out the site " http://letempsdeschoses.canalblog.com/
THANKS to my assistants so valuable, Jacquy in the kitchen, Margaret and Fouzia at my booth, and Christiane control, my children to all tasks.

much MUCH people ..... so not had time to take pictures! But I see in this picture that others have had better luck ....!! fortunately.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Paper Template Cukoo Clock

Yet another reason for the heart Zweigart

the family grew and models were cast, you can now buy them from me and notions of place in Strasbourg Auzterlitz

Friday, June 4, 2010

Contemporary Drapery Rods

NEW: small Alsatian for heart Zweigart

New: creations Alsatian suitable grounds small stiff heart Zweigart

At the exhibition you will find lots of small embroidery designs tailored to Zweigart heart, but also full of other small reasons postcards and more.