Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Have A Wart On My Eyelids

A Goebbels came from Jerusalem?

I mentioned recently that Zionist Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai , installed in the United States that seeks to spread the idea that Obama would have a secret plan to immigrate United States tens of millions of Muslims and Islamization and the country. The author of this theory is part of a concerted plan aimed at making a reality the theory of clash of civilizations. Is that unlike the physical world into the world of ideas theory may precede the reality it will actually help to create. This is the principle of prophecy self-fulfilling.
To achieve the desired result, it takes money certainly, but money is a means that must be invested wisely to reach the expected result. Hence the proliferation of think tanks with names that suggest that snoring is an institution to meet the criteria of the academic approach. Which is of course not. It should also subsidize politicians who will relay the whole or part of the theories developed in these think tanks, this is a selection process more Darwinian sense capable of relaying topics chosen by the groups and to support policies they advocate.
The U.S. magazine Mother Jones gives us another example of activity of one of those organizations seeking to plunge the world into a war of civilizations and we know that at the same time the identity and pedigree of the people behind a movement pushing for adoption by the Federated States of laws to prohibit application of Islamic law or any reference to that law in state courts. Arrangements can even provide prison sentences for those referring to or adhere to this law.
course there is absolutely no chance (or risk if you want) to see some variant of Islamic law applied in the USA, but the mere filing of bills aimed at in intrdire application tends to support the opposite view, that is to say, that which maintains that such application will be realized and is perhaps even imminent. We have all the springs of the Goebbels propaganda.
The Goebbels of the Americas has a name that smells the soil of the Midwest or New England since he appoints David Yerushalmi.
Yep, another one of those Zionists. But this is certainly a chance.

Some states across the country are considering laws inspired by the extreme right to ban Islamic law. Our gratitude for this goes to David Yerushalmi, the leader of a racist organization.
by Tim Murphy , Mother Jones (USA) March 1, 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri

members of the legislature of Tennessee introduced last week a extremist bill provides a penalty of 15 years in prison for those who would bring a "material support" to Islamic law. This proposal marks another major step in the Conservative campaign against Muslim Americans. According to its detractors, in case of adoption of this law, seemingly innocuous activities such as painting the outside a mosque or bring food to a community meal could be classified as crimes.

The proposed Tennessee law SB 1028 does not come from nowhere. Although this is not the first of its kind, this proposal is part of a series of measures related to that would prohibit state courts to apply the sharia (a court may refer to Islamic law in cases child care or in cases of rights of prisoners). Since early 2010, legislation was proposed in at least 15 states.
And if the fear of an impending Caliphate is widely prevalent in the far right, the rise of these laws across the country is largely due to the work of one man: David Yerushalmi, a white supremacist established in Arizona who has previously called for a " war against Islam "and tried to criminalize membership in the Muslim religion.
Lawyer, Yerushalmi is the founder of the Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE), which has been designated as a "racist organization" ( hate group ) by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). His draft law has been the basis for the proposed law in Tennessee and at least half a dozen other anti-Islamic that became law last year in Louisiana and Tennessee.
With the exception of SB 1028, most legislation inspired by Yerushalmi seem innocuous enough: the state courts are forbidden to consider any foreign law which does not fully respect the rights enshrined the constitutions of states and the federal state.

As we never heard in the United States interpreted the Taliban's Islamic law, the impact of this law is at best non-existent. But those who criticize some of the proposed laws have argued that they could have broader implications and unforeseen as to weaken the laws against kidnapping and hindering the ability of local firms to hire foreign contacts.
But the proposal SB 1028 of Tennessee goes much further in defining the traditional Muslim law as contrary to constitutional principles, and by authorizing the Attorney General of the State to freeze assets of organizations that have been defined as promoting or supporting the sharia. Monday, CAIR and the ACLU called on politicians to reject the bill.
"Basically, this bill seeks to separate the 'good Muslims' and 'bad Muslims'" explains Gadeir Abbas, a lawyer from CAIR, in an interview with Mother Jones. Of all the bills that were introduced, it is by far the most extreme. "

Information about the rise of anti-Sharia have generally concentrated on the amendment constitutional approved by the voters of Oklahoma, which explicitly prohibits state courts to consider Islamic law (a federal judge issued a permanent injunction against the amendment in December). But the movement had begun long before, with a draft model law prepared by Yerushalmi at the request of The American Policy Alliance, a rightist organization founded to protect U.S. citizens of "infiltration and the incursion of laws and legal doctrines foreign, especially of the sharia, Islamic law. "
In a slideshow 40 minutes available on the website of the organization, Yerushalmi explains the ins and outs of the model legislation. Its legislative proposals differ from the amendment stillborn in Oklahoma by one key aspect: they do not mention sharia, but refer more broadly of "foreign law and foreign legal doctrines." As explained in Yerushalmi In an interview in December with the nativist Français New Review, the vocabulary has a "clean face, leading to the same result, however, while" avoiding "the difficult problems posed by First Amendment jurisprudence. "

Since their development of model legislation, Yerushalmi services were much in demand to give evidence as an expert. Mid-February, he visited South Dakota to testify in favor of a bill modeled on the plan's "American law for American courts." (He also proposed to provide free legal assistance to the State if the law was legally challenged in one way or another).
Ultimately, the bill had been buried in committee after the Attorney General of the State has ensured that the bill could lead to challenges in court. "I'm a little chagrined by the fact that none of the opponents of the bill has never really played with a little attention," Yerushalmi stated before the commission. "There's something else at work here."

But Muslims are not alone in incurring the contempt of Yerushalmi. In an essay of 2006 to SANE title It Race: A Tentative Discussion , Yerushalmi argued that whites are genetically superior to blacks. "Certain breeds do better in sports, some in solving mathematical problems, in other languages, some are more successful in Western societies and others in tribal societies," he wrote.
Yerushalmi suggests that Caucasians are inherently more responsive to republican forms of government that blacks - an argument consistent with the profession of faith that emphasizes SANE on "America out of pious Christians, mostly male and almost all white." And, in an article published on the website Intellectual Conservative, Yerushalmi, who is Jewish, suggests that liberal Jews [of Left in the U.S.] "destroy their host nations like a fatal parasite." No wonder, if Yerushalmi offers the only text of a Jew in defense of Mel Gibson anti-Semitic tirade after the actor 2006. Gibson, he wrote, simply noted "the undeniable liberal Jewish influence over the affairs of the West towards a World State. "

Despite its racist, Yerushalmi was warmly welcomed by the mainstream conservative, his writings have been published in National Review and Big Peace Andrew Breitbart. It was hailed in the pages of the Washington Times . And in 2008 he published an article on the dangers of Sharia compliant financing has pushed the head of the conservative minority in the Senate, John Kyl (R-Ariz) to write a letter to Chris Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
More recently, Yerushalmi has co-authored a report on threats posed by Islamic law - among other things, he is concerned about the possibility that Islamic finance could cause another financial crisis - which has earned the applause Republicans view as the elect of the Michigan House of Representatives, Pete Hoekstra. The report had been published by the Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney for Yerushalmi which is Adviser for general affairs.
In 2007, he proposed legislation to make "adherence to the Sharia" a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The same proposal called for the expulsion of all non-Muslim citizens of the United States and a ban on Muslim immigration. The U.S., he insisted, must declare a "war against Islam and all Muslims."
Neither Yerushalmi, nor the American Public Policy Alliance has responded to our request Comments on this article.

If his writings and rhetoric racially marked can provide evidence, that Yerushalmi, not his goats Muslim envoys, who seems most determined to recast the American political system. By its statement of principles SANE "dedicated to the rejection of democracy and party system," Yerushalmi and criticized the same way the shift to universal suffrage. As he once said, there is a reason the founding fathers did not grant voting rights to women or black slaves. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Praise Dance Names

The failure of multiculturalism in Belgium

Nicolas Sarkozy , David Cameron and Angela Merkel have all recently spoken of the failure of multiculturalism in their respective countries.

A new striking proof of the failure of multiculturalism policies comes from elsewhere in Belgium, that country's unique culture walloflamande as everyone knows. For, despite a policy that recognized the rights of minorities exorbitant alien whose ability to access high positions in state institutions, this is one of those foreign elements resigns serving Prime Minister to go enlist in a foreign army, the symbol of the native culture of the individual.

Otherwise this Belgian citizen would have done the opposite approach, like his compatriot Arno Klarsfeld. Yes, he made his first military service abroad to return home and be assigned a mission to serve the state

But perhaps this should be blamed for starting the exacerbated anti-Semitism that exists in Belgium? Yes, because this argument can not be contradicted because, as can be read on the 2010 report of : What counts up or down, it's also the feelings of insecurity and unease are the barometer of antisemitism
One way to see who recalls that definition would be that the anti-Semite now less somebody one who does not like Jews than anyone that the Jews do not like.

the oldest rookie of the Israeli army began its service
Patrick Shoval, 37, left a comfortable job in the office of Belgian Prime Minister to serve Israel
By Yoav Zitun , Yediot Aharonot (Sionistan) February 3, 2011, translated from English by Djazaïri

David Patrick Shoval emigrated from Belgium to Israel six months ago at the age of 37 years, and joined the Israeli army. To do this, he had to abandon his career as a lawyer and environmental specialist at the office of prime minister in Brussels.

David is one of 300 blue from over 35 different countries who complete this Wednesday Hebrew classes taught by the military.

"I absolutely love Israel, and for me Israel wants to be first to say serve in the Israeli army, "said Shoval in Yediot.
Belgian immigration should be used as the army responsible for the protection of the environment, along with his doctoral studies at the University of Tel Aviv.

Shoval, temperament solitary soldier, speaks to the approval of his parents. "They love Israel," he said, adding that fighting will not work because of his age.
The upper of Shoval, Lieutenant Dafna Barhados, barely more than half his age. "Of course it was weird to order early because of the age difference, but what matters is that he is a soldier like the others," she said.
"Of course he clearly had special qualities because of his age, but he was motivated and wanted to serve in the Israeli army."

D Other immigrants came from the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Paraguay, Peru, Georgia, Canada, South Africa knew, Turkey, Azerbaijan and other countries, will be alongside in the database Shoval Mahvi-Alon in Galilee, where they will complete their solemn study of Hebrew.

This will be one of the most important ceremonies in the history of the Israeli army. Graduates will have studied reading and writing for three months in preparation for their inclusion in Israeli society.

addition to Hebrew, cadet training discusses Israel and its history. They visit Jerusalem and other sites and military bases. "It the true Zionism, "said Maj. Karen Kamerinsky who assumed command of immigrants [those who make their" return "to Zion] in the database.

"The real Zionism is for them to leave their parents to enlist in the Israeli army and to make significant changes in their life just to serve the state." According to Major, about half of young men engaged in combat units.

I Heart Boobies Bracelet Which Color

No place for al-Jazeera the U.S.

site by Philip Weiss has always been interesting, but I as it were the impression he surpasses himself since the beginning of political events that shook the Arab world and the first result was the departure of President Ben Ali of Tunisia. It is right on this site much interesting information as well as value analysis by observers from diverse backgrounds including Philip Weiss himself that I wonder if it the moderate Zionist he was still up at Goldstone.

I offer an admittedly short article under the heading "Why they hate us" but that says a lot about what may happen to freedom of information in a country where capitalist monopolies collude with the executive and reminds us that the television channel Al Jazeera remains unavailable on cable television networks in the U.S..

Across the Atlantic, as Scott McConnell points out, no need of an alibi CSA to achieve this ...

Americans can not really find any niche for Al Jazeera?

by Scott McConnell , Mondoweiss (USA) 1 st March 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri

Today NPR's Morning [NPR is a network of independent radio] was devoted to a program on Al Jazeera , focusing the efforts of Arab governments to prevent the Arabs to watch this channel by blocking its signal by various means. Reporter Deborah Amos reports on actions to disrupt the reception of the channel and the game of cat and mouse between the television station and the Arab autocrats who try to block it.

In America, it is much more easy. Barely a whisper of the government, and cable operators make themselves so that the station is unavailable. Amos says that the chain has been "excluded from the market by cable operators reluctant against him" after it has been termed "anti-American" by the Bush administration. No attack against hi-tech satellite signals was necessary.

Given the important role that he has been recognized in the coverage of the Egyptian revolution, Al Jazeera English tries a new both access to American television market. But this is far from won. "

Take for example Comcast, the largest cable operator in the country. Marketwatch published an article today which reports that" with hundreds of channels , including many in high definition, Comcast has limited bandwidth allocated to new channels, making it difficult for a new channel to plead his cause, especially if it is perceived as occupying a "niche 'market.

I try to sympathize with the leaders of Comcast, which shame they had to abandon the programs they broadcast a channel to broadcast programming to niche from the Middle East. For example, by consulting the list of channels broadcast by Comcast, I see that there are five channels devoted to hockey, one devoted to jewelry, three slots for the National League of American Football (which are now the scouting combines ) and about 150 channels that mostly show bad movies. And then, of course, this important niche: Channel 501 which offers "Women of military alone and naked" and Channel 502 which presents "Girl on Girl 14," the channel 547 provides "First Time Porn Audition", the 548 offers "Real film sex couples" and 549 "18 Year Old Facial. "Not to mention, for those with tastes that correspond to very specific niches, two other channels devoted to" adult programs on demand. ".

But it is a system of free enterprise, and Comcast may not have enough "bandwidth" for a programming niche of Al Jazeera kind in English.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Can U Exercise With A Tampon

A year ago almost to the day, Barack Obama proposed to strengthen democracy Jamahiriya

It seems that Mr. Obama, the great herald of democracy come to announce to Mr. Kadhadi he should go now . Yes, now, not in one month, two months but not immediately.
And it certainly has nothing to do, but Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic, and Mr David Cameron , Prime Minister his gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II just said exactly the same thing .
Curious as these politicians can be versatile, especially with Obama the government had proposed in February 2010 strengthening the U.S. military aid for 2011 to a number of Arab democracies.
Among these democracies, we find Oman the Morocco, Bahrain the and Yemen, (unbelievable but true!), Libya has the

via Angry Arab

Saturday, February 26, 2011

When Is The November Draw For Premium Bonds2010

The predictable failure of the democratic revolution in Libya

So far the Libyan events gave the image of a popular revolution without leaders, able to topple the government forces while demonstrating its ability to manage the city.
This is not to surprise because we have to admit, for example in the case of Algeria, the population demonstrated a remarkable ability to run the company despite the disorganizing action of a state whose role is too often more akin to that of a parasite and that of a facilitator and an organizer of the activity.
That said, whatever the outcome of the showdown between Colonel Qaddafi and his opponents, the Libyan people's revolution is already over. At least if I think the Time article I propose and based on an interview of the special correspondent of this magazine with a Libyan colonel who joined the opposition to the plan.
not need a decoder to understand that the military will continue, as in Egypt or Tunisia, although the circumstances are markedly different, to play a decisive political role. Thus understood by the United States. While the Colonel mentioned in the article seems to say that the revolution will of the people. Yes, but the promises as they say, are those who believe them. And nothing in the detail provided no basis for thinking about a real establishment of democracy in Libya: role of the army, tribal leaders, many dignitaries of the regime who defected, probably encouraged by promises made by the State Department in Washington.
It's the same methods advocated that do not seem to differ from those charged with Gaddafi: aerial bombings in urban areas, shelling ...
is a democracy in Iraq or the 'Afghan looming in Libya.

Waiting personally still have evidence that the army remained loyal to Mr Gaddafi has conducted air raids on cities. For now, there is nothing. After all, as stated in this article, and still denied by the colonel who is the subject, a former Libyan Minister went so far as to say that the Libyan army had atomic weapons and chemicals!
I almost forgot the mercenaries, Africans Please, therefore nothing to do with honorable "contractors" employed by tens of thousands by the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan!
lot of information then, but also disinformation whose intention is to demonize a Qaddafi certainly unsympathetic to justify all the options from the "international community" (ie ie NATO) as a function of the changing situation on the ground.

by Abigail Hauslohner / Benghazi, TIME (USA) translated from English by Djazaïri

C is based in a former defense Air that is in an area partially built in Benghazi and in darkness, Colonel Saad Tarek Hussein prepares the revolutionary forces for the ultimate battle. The Libyan dictator, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, probably will fight to the death to keep control of his capital, Tripoli, if one believes the soldiers as the revolutionary militants. But the banners in the High Court in Benghazi saying: "Libya is one body, Tripoli is our heart. "The east is now under control of the opposition, but Libya will not know the division because, they say: the revolution will will not end before it arrives in Tripoli and the deposition of the dictator.
The release of Tripoli became the rallying cry in Benghazi, the second largest Libyan city. "We will never abandon Tripoli, shouted the imam leading the prayer is open at noon. In response, since the thousands of people gathered under a stormy sky was Mediterranean in chorus "God is great! "(See the photos released by the Benghazi Yuri Kozyra v).

For Colonel Hussein, sitting in his austere office in a base equipped with antiaircraft guns and plunged into darkness, the Libyan revolution is still mostly a popular revolution. But the army who joined the opposition - more than 10 000 men between Benghazi and the Egyptian border, he said - now have an important task at hand. "We try to meet as many men as possible in Benghazi and in other cities to prepare a force to march on Tripoli," he said.
Hussein is coordinating with other military officers, tribal sheiks and volunteers throughout the region, he said, to launch the final battle that many believe is necessary to overthrow a dictatorship that lasted 41 years. Already, says Hussein, 2000 armed volunteers, soldiers and reservists have reached the capital in small groups, the latter group arrived here Friday evening. Very soon, he said, there will be more.
But he stressed that this is not a power grab by the military. "It's an uprising of youth," he insists. "The battle between young people and the regime." "Only when Gaddafi has responded to their peaceful protests by force of violence," killing men in cold blood "that we we felt it was time to intervene, "he said. "These are the ones who started the revolution and we carry it out. "

And inevitably, the military will have a big role to play in the aftermath of the fall of Gaddafi. "We hope to have a democratic state, not a military state," said Hussein. "We are tired of the Warfare State. The army is there to protect the nation - not to govern. "
But to get there, the revolutionary forces will certainly seize the capital, ie cross the stronghold of what Gaddafi Sirte and neutralize the weapons more powerful forces loyal to Qadhafi and its mercenaries in Tripoli itself. These days, Hussein made appeals in the direction of Army officers and inhabitants of Sirte, which lies between Benghazi and Tripoli. "We do not treat them as they were before," he says, implying thereby inhumanly. "And we do not want to behave like killers. So we launched a call, a warning, so they leave us to move freely towards Tripoli. "

During the past week the revolutionaries of the claim is that Gaddafi has lost control of his country, piece by piece. Its strengths, diplomats, ministers and officials have left the field. He said the rebels are united and more determined to go through. "We are preparing and we will march on to bomb Tripoli Bab Bin Gashin," said Hussein, who refers to the bastion of Gaddafi in Tripoli where he thinks the head of state lies. "We have planes and pilots were instructed by Gaddafi to bomb Benghazi, but they refused and landed here safely. We have pilots who are willing to crash their planes into a suicide mission if necessary. "

The final intention is it to kill Qaddafi, as saying many impatient revolutionaries on the Mediterranean coast? Hussein looks over his reading glasses and smiled ironically: "We hope to take him alive. "
Friday evening, Gaddafi took another defiant speech before a crowd of supporters in Tripoli. He promised to "open the arsenals" and defeat his opponents. But Hussein did not have time to watch it because he was too busy to organize the day to come. "This is not a football game," he said. And he's not afraid of man from Tripoli.

Nobody expects to go away quietly Gaddafi. The forces that remain loyal to him are well equipped and the battalion Khamees her son has about 3,000 combatants of which about half are mercenaries, "said Hussein. On Thursday, the minister who resigned from the Justice Mustafa Mohamed Abd el-Jalil said) al-Jazeera that he believed that Qaddafi had nuclear and chemical weapons. Hussein is not worried. "There is no atomic weapons," he says with disdain. And the stock of chemical weapons that Gaddafi was so scared before? "All this equipment was removed when the agreement on Lockerbie," said Hussein, who recalls the 1998 attack against Pan Am flight 103 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie and the controversial decision in 2009 to repatriate Libyan sentenced for this crime and detained in a Scottish prison. "He thought that by buying the support of the United States at that time, they let him stay in power forever. "

Hussein laughs. "He had forgotten the Libyan people."

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much Does A Ceragem Bed Cost

Plan Secret Obama Islamicize the U.S.

I move away from the burning issue that has shaken the Arab world and Libya in particular to talk about a conspiracy theories that plague the United States. On reflection, moreover, approaching the subject would take us away not so much political developments experienced by some Arab countries on the contrary.
It seems that President Barack Hussein Obama is mandated by the Saudi monarchy to immigrate to the United States tens of millions of Muslims, so to turn this nation into an Islamic country.
is the magazine Mother Jones, who draws our attention to this strange theory that one would expect that it originates from a group of rednecks disoriented by changes in the world today and by being governed by a mixed race.
Not at all, since this theory for the less daring is the result of the cogitations of a certain Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai has begun to peddle this alarming message in order to avoid the worst at the America. And the Zionist entity, since it goes without saying 'this is Mr. Avi Lipkin, we are told, a citizen U.S. originating from somewhere in occupied Palestine, that is to say in the "Jewish" state.
Lipkin This is actually one of the many voices who shout themselves hoarse to attract the attention of U.S. citizens and those who govern on an imminent danger of Islamization of USA.
Many of these voices come from the Zionist lobby in fact, what James Petras rightly calls the Zionist Power Configuration. Other voices to make the same type of message it is actually closely linked, a fact particularly apparent when one looks at sources of funding or to the press that reverberate.
It is for example in the article of one Michael Savage, a radio host famous in the USA. You can read this post on that Savage is actually the pseudonym of a Zionist fanatic who manages to get across to his audience as an incarnation of the American heartland.
We also speaks of a certain Glen Beck, who hosts a radio show and a broadcast television on Fox News. Beck has been severely criticized for his anti-Semitic by the Anti Defamation League (the equivalent of LICRA USA) to which he also apologized. But if we look at the content of anti-Semitic statements February 22, 2011 by Glenn Beck was surprised to find that he has compared Judaism "reformed" to "Islamic extremism , "One wonders what has been going through her head. If only he had compared the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Zionist "Islamist extremist." we could maybe understand ...
It is true that Beck and thought to please his boss Rupert Murdoch, an Orthodox Jew, a Zionist fanatic, for that Reform Judaism is a form of internal danger for the purity of the breed and its separation from other nations. But then he went one step further because if Rupert Murdoch has argued, by not disavowing and do not dismissing despite appeals from Jewish organizations in this direction. The ADL has cons need all the Jews, Orthodox or not, to maintain or reinforce the weight of the Zionist lobby in the U.S..
If Samuel Huntington talked about the clash of civilizations, the Zionists for their part, fully understood that it was not that theory is invalid and therefore patiently undertook to make this a reality. This work is beginning to show results as we have seen in the remarkable convergence of recent remarks on "the failure of multiculturalism" made by Angela Merkel in Germany, the UK and then David and finally Nicolas Sarkozy in France. In all three cases, the situation of Muslims was at stake ...

Here is the mother of all conspiracy theories of anti-Obama.
by David Corn , Mother Jones (USA) February 25, 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri

In recent years, paranoid and conservative politicians have concocted all sorts of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama. Some have said he has a secret plan to confiscate firearms. Others said he has a secret plan to get their hands on the bank accounts of the IRA. Still others argued that it was making the illegal establishment of concentration camps run by the Federal Emergency (FEMA). And of course there is the super theory: Obama is a socialist infiltrated in a deliberate attempt to ruin the U.S. economy in order to exert dictatorial takeover. But there is the matrix of all the conspiracy theories right: Obama is maneuvering to bring the United States tens of millions of Muslims - perhaps even a hundred million - the Middle East to transform the country into Islamic nation towards the end of his second term.

Fortunately, this diabolical plan has been fanned by an American of Israeli origin named Avi Lipkin who says he worked as a translator for the Israeli government, and for a pharmacy called Special Guests, which recruits commentators and supporters of the conservative arguments for talk shows on radio and television stations popular. Lipkin's website says that since 1990 he has lectured on various topics - including Israel and the threat of Islam - in more than a thousand churches and synagogues in the United States, Canada, England, Greece, Israel and other countries. His bio notes that he leads the party to block the Judeo-Christian Bible in Israel (the Facebook page of the party had 103 members yesterday).

This week, Lipkin and Special Guests have sent an email to radio programmers and TV to discuss the biggest story of all time.
According intercepted broadcasts in Arabic and interpreted by Lipkin and his team, "The Islamic world says that Obama wants amnesty for 12 million illegal Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegal immigrants to the States States from the Middle East, leading to installation in the United States between 50 million Muslims ET100 before the end of Obama's second term, which will be returned to power through the vote of these new U.S. citizens for their savior Obama. "

Lipkin, also known under the name of Victor Mordechai said to have a" source in the person of a high UN official (what he means by that) according to the U.S. "will be a Muslim country by the end of the second term of Obama." This grand project is organized so that it has three parts. Phase 1, Obama stirs up trouble in "every country in the Middle East, leading to the overthrow of regimes and their replacement by Sunni Muslims" fanatics "who engage in" the overthrow of their rivals in the Shiite regime in Iran is passing American troops. "Phase 2: a mass exodus of Muslims headed to Europe, Canada and the United States, turning out all these nations West in Muslim countries. Phase 3: nations now controlled by Islamic extremists' march on Israel to destroy it "and Obama" keeps its promise to destroy Israel .... "
There are, of course, a YouTube video that explains the scoop Lipkin. It is titled, "Barack Obama is really an 'implant' Muslim Saudi Arabia to the White House?" The answer is obvious. The video claims that "years before the 2008 election, Lipkin's wife, who worked for the Israeli government's monitoring of Arab radio broadcasts, had been tracking emissions Saudi saying, "We will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008." (You remember Obama's bow before the king Saudi In2009?). The video notes that Obama has refused to "prove" his full birth certificate "or anything else about his past." (Convergence with nativist / Birthers !) . The video given to understand that Obama and his team passed the "greatest scam in history ..." and placed a Muslim anti-American sponsored by the Saudis in the White House, thanks to public opinion and amorphous media, obsessed as one of other by skin color and type of mentality American Idol. The video goes on to say that in 2009, Lipkin's wife had heard a television show with the Egyptian foreign minister at the time who said that Obama had vowed to be a Muslim. Obama - according to Lipkin's version about the account given by his wife of version given by the minister - also said that Egyptian officials after they have finished with the debate on the health system, "You Muslims will see what I'm going to do for Islam against Israel. ; '
The video does not deal explicitly with the secret project to bring Obama to 100 million Muslims in the United States. But is not this the kind of thing that would make a Saudi agent?

Avi Lipkin Glenn Beck back on the ropes in terms of conspiracy theory. But although it is fairly marginal, it is not isolated. His video was viewed 2.9 million times. Special Guests and a pharmacy that is active in the conservative establishment. According to its website , the organization worked with the National Right to Life Committee, Catholic and Human Rights Institute, the Second Amendment Foundation and other conservative groups. The site boasts, "We put a regular guest in radio shows like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Radio, [and] Michael Savage ." The organization said only promote causes "pleasing to our Creator." It asks its potential clients, "What is your particular message? Is it useful to humanity? Do you respect God? "It is apparently pleasing to God to accuse the president of conspiring secretly - and achieve - a takeover of the United States by Muslims.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why Is My Cervix Still Hard

Valentine's Day ...


last three weeks he Mataitai
This woman trapped, poor hake ... The analysand
from head to foot,
rush hour in the bus shelter.

haughty bourgeois of the 16th Sunday best,
Although the rolled Greluche ...
Under his false airs, she did bend
The poor guy, Mr. Trucmuche!

It does not yet emerged from the mouth of Jupiter,
probably stuck deep in a womb ...
The stories repeat themselves, look for it ... In his
plastic, it had nabbed the virus.

The Saint "tin-tin, both knew,
Diabolical loneliness! It was high time, they finally noticing it!
good point! Hard to plan, meet ... Damn! Would they be left alone, to masturbate ... Of these
itching, cravings, dare say, break the blockade.

The sky was low, it pleuviotait in February 14.
What words would he begin his spiel?
He said his desire to know, but also the honor ...
Dare finally embracing shake his paw strongly!

If words in his mouth gagged, he found the emergency door ...
more traditional, conventional! Some roses wrapped asparagus,
Calls to the restaurant, breakfast, jewel, last resort!
But it was not as rich as Croesus.

Was he finally décoincée his mouth, daring to speak
Or he forgets the horrible process? The
compliment: his lips by greed, his tongue go ... More
obstacle or cloud, not a single cumulonimbus cloud.

The large crowd began to flood the evening sidewalks.
To overcome his shyness was there that day, recited the Angelus three times
The loving heart in this space-celebration, jubilation and hope battering? Keep
finally spittoon, to admit that her ass, his eyes bandaged it ... He said, yes adamant!

Softly - two meters away - came close to halting steps
From its beautiful, free flower, neither present at any moment ... fearing the fatal collapse.
He confessed his desires now, even more than his feelings!
But still thought he shy, clouded in doubt ... Had he been that I plusses?

happy to see him found his boldness, despite some stuttering ...
To have in front of it rather than a minus armed with his skinny cactus, but a real gus!
He took her hand, stroking, placed it on her breast ...
In his parted lips, the sweetest smile ... No grin.

End of Part One



In my eyes tenderly laying his lips sliced, sensual, yet frightened
Happy finally, for once not to have taken a log ... Me
left of his mouth, but also his body, to revel
hadst before that other people the same idea, me pic ... accourusse!

This place, where we were stuck between desire and we desire to enact
Moult caress without prying eyes, had become a stumbling block.
Go to another place more discreet, fiercely sensual pleasure ... surrender,
Do not be mere puppets of our impulses motionless, frozen, up like ostriches.

We kissed, my modest extension to the arm holding the size ...
For underground parking out of sight uncertain, left this small bus stop
With our desire to let our bodies for pleasure, enjoyment yell 'ouch' ...
Being lovers of night, love fleeting, not easiest teddy bears!

Tenderly, against a wall between two cars, body tight lips glued
forget our disposable life, daily disastrous finally stumbles all ... Let
hands alone run their ramblings to our chairs for a night among the mountains, erections, grooves ...
him to leave my beautiful, free choice of his actions towards my blister that showed up arrogant in its hood.

caresses caresses our beings are cast, chained, unleashed, without injury. Just
and beautiful harmony of sounds and cries of love together, as from a Stradivarius ...
lively gestures, playful, a beauty, lightness combined, sometimes slippery ... but never hard!
Flight of my mind the first image of the woman somewhat austere baluchi! Present to my sides, my venus.

Enjoy our senses, dare our bodies, not to think that next disillusioned ...
Not to put our names down a sheet, Fuss Does papyrus. Enjoy
, carpe diem, as of this moment so pleasurable, addictive
Before the bell rings on us, tough sentence ending our combat ... Terminus.

Kneeling before this beauty was constantly watching me, his fingers caressing my hair and light
He slid her panties silky, embroidered, erotic desire, but in my eyes Fanfreluche simple!
Discover beautiful pubic hair housing the object of my desires, the den of pleasure so often dismissed ...
My lips, my tongue in that Eden had asked him providing the most tender cunnilinctus.

hard nipple, body trembling in convulsions, his enjoyment is not made no wait ...
footprint of her nails on my body became less pressing.
making me sit up, her long fingers froze on my shaft, then tucking touching passage foreskin
Wedding veins of the limb, down, up ... her mouth was soft! Emotion, radiating to the rise of pervasive pleasure, one word would escape from my mouth: suck!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Roof Of The Mouth Cut

expo DMC Wesserling

DMC and the Textile Museum Wesserling staged a wonderful exhibition to include works by 19 artists; Our museum embroidery Gerstheim participated by lending pieces of embroidery and vintage sewing, our accustomed to recognize to these photos.

One of the most beautiful piece exposed: a dress from Lanvin, made of lace lunéville
still a marvel: a dress with lace Ireland
An artwork: Book of Lady Nathalie Dentzer http:/
In this case and those that follow you will find the son of DMC, DMC tests, and parts of our museum.

Go therefore Wesserling Textile Museum, the exhibition will run until December 31, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Do Women Like Sitting On Men

pendulum wells

These wells are visible in the northern Alsace region Hunspach and surrounding villages.
is the first embroidery with a I found such a reason, and there is a pocket towel.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dead Invitations Card

2011 HUNTING ON 10

Wishes for the New Year

Now that 2010 is going 10 seem, without welcome 10 CLURE and without major 10 during this new year!

Take the 10 assistance with 10 strings and 10 whores.

We 10 ask of 365 days to 10 distinguish 10 Crete 10 tributing love and tolerance around us.

But remember, all the same, we 10 milking while 10 able for other .

Happy New Year 2011 and good health to all.

Maite THANKS for this nice message

Friday, January 7, 2011

Help My Ps3 Drum Has No Dongle. What Can I Use?

Words that resonate ... in me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bare Bottom In Russian

Madness and Fun ...

Sweet Tatting

My eyes fell In this Saturday

At the heart of Montpellier
... On a showcase
You say that?
At length, I hesitated ...
Fear, shyness
Certain thoughts
People tidy, orderly
the frozen brain ...
The already imagine
judge me
Without doubt, their eyes
Am I obsessed
Why not a calibrated!

This window has a thousand charms
has long
germinating in my head
A sweet idea
Beautiful thoughts
Erotic, sensual ...
Offer my beautiful
To my beloved
This little string open
Wishes Sexy ...

Of my two friends
Who accompanied me
The've ignored
Not abandoned
Far from it ...
Wanting to be alone
With my thoughts
This hot idea
on which I had set myself
I threw myself ...
Obsessed old disgusting
Husband, lover crazy
Simple corniaud
up to you to think!
Yes! Thrown over the gate entrance
have pushed
Am entered
Happy, Happy
Sauvé looks
Idiots and prying ...

Lost, contemplative
face so beautiful lingerie
put myself as a child
A blush ...
First time, first time
So beautiful, so tempting!
This feeling of shame exonerated
Ai responded to that gentle voice
Who caught me gently ...
"Sir, you want! "
My last words would they tender
and correct my woes ? ...
Stuck, held in the mouth tight
difficult for them to find
The door of this corridor saving
My mouth, my lips
suddenly have décoincées ...
"Madam, it would be for a gift
wish to offer my beloved
Not a slip ... A string"
We have that Mr.
she replied ...
"Yes, but! "
Was I finally dare ...
" More than erotic, Madam ...
You see, how you say
From frivolous style, best villain ...
Open, please "
And if I was wrong store
Had air simpleton, con
Props taken for a zany!

After many explanations
Otherwise demonstration
came out, eyes
Brilliant fun
cheeks slightly reddened
Ai found my friends
At their request showed them
This little silky fabric
indentations, opened
In the middle

Shouts, laughter
erotic thoughts
For a night of fun