Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Have A Wart On My Eyelids

A Goebbels came from Jerusalem?

I mentioned recently that Zionist Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai , installed in the United States that seeks to spread the idea that Obama would have a secret plan to immigrate United States tens of millions of Muslims and Islamization and the country. The author of this theory is part of a concerted plan aimed at making a reality the theory of clash of civilizations. Is that unlike the physical world into the world of ideas theory may precede the reality it will actually help to create. This is the principle of prophecy self-fulfilling.
To achieve the desired result, it takes money certainly, but money is a means that must be invested wisely to reach the expected result. Hence the proliferation of think tanks with names that suggest that snoring is an institution to meet the criteria of the academic approach. Which is of course not. It should also subsidize politicians who will relay the whole or part of the theories developed in these think tanks, this is a selection process more Darwinian sense capable of relaying topics chosen by the groups and to support policies they advocate.
The U.S. magazine Mother Jones gives us another example of activity of one of those organizations seeking to plunge the world into a war of civilizations and we know that at the same time the identity and pedigree of the people behind a movement pushing for adoption by the Federated States of laws to prohibit application of Islamic law or any reference to that law in state courts. Arrangements can even provide prison sentences for those referring to or adhere to this law.
course there is absolutely no chance (or risk if you want) to see some variant of Islamic law applied in the USA, but the mere filing of bills aimed at in intrdire application tends to support the opposite view, that is to say, that which maintains that such application will be realized and is perhaps even imminent. We have all the springs of the Goebbels propaganda.
The Goebbels of the Americas has a name that smells the soil of the Midwest or New England since he appoints David Yerushalmi.
Yep, another one of those Zionists. But this is certainly a chance.

Some states across the country are considering laws inspired by the extreme right to ban Islamic law. Our gratitude for this goes to David Yerushalmi, the leader of a racist organization.
by Tim Murphy , Mother Jones (USA) March 1, 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri

members of the legislature of Tennessee introduced last week a extremist bill provides a penalty of 15 years in prison for those who would bring a "material support" to Islamic law. This proposal marks another major step in the Conservative campaign against Muslim Americans. According to its detractors, in case of adoption of this law, seemingly innocuous activities such as painting the outside a mosque or bring food to a community meal could be classified as crimes.

The proposed Tennessee law SB 1028 does not come from nowhere. Although this is not the first of its kind, this proposal is part of a series of measures related to that would prohibit state courts to apply the sharia (a court may refer to Islamic law in cases child care or in cases of rights of prisoners). Since early 2010, legislation was proposed in at least 15 states.
And if the fear of an impending Caliphate is widely prevalent in the far right, the rise of these laws across the country is largely due to the work of one man: David Yerushalmi, a white supremacist established in Arizona who has previously called for a " war against Islam "and tried to criminalize membership in the Muslim religion.
Lawyer, Yerushalmi is the founder of the Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE), which has been designated as a "racist organization" ( hate group ) by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). His draft law has been the basis for the proposed law in Tennessee and at least half a dozen other anti-Islamic that became law last year in Louisiana and Tennessee.
With the exception of SB 1028, most legislation inspired by Yerushalmi seem innocuous enough: the state courts are forbidden to consider any foreign law which does not fully respect the rights enshrined the constitutions of states and the federal state.

As we never heard in the United States interpreted the Taliban's Islamic law, the impact of this law is at best non-existent. But those who criticize some of the proposed laws have argued that they could have broader implications and unforeseen as to weaken the laws against kidnapping and hindering the ability of local firms to hire foreign contacts.
But the proposal SB 1028 of Tennessee goes much further in defining the traditional Muslim law as contrary to constitutional principles, and by authorizing the Attorney General of the State to freeze assets of organizations that have been defined as promoting or supporting the sharia. Monday, CAIR and the ACLU called on politicians to reject the bill.
"Basically, this bill seeks to separate the 'good Muslims' and 'bad Muslims'" explains Gadeir Abbas, a lawyer from CAIR, in an interview with Mother Jones. Of all the bills that were introduced, it is by far the most extreme. "

Information about the rise of anti-Sharia have generally concentrated on the amendment constitutional approved by the voters of Oklahoma, which explicitly prohibits state courts to consider Islamic law (a federal judge issued a permanent injunction against the amendment in December). But the movement had begun long before, with a draft model law prepared by Yerushalmi at the request of The American Policy Alliance, a rightist organization founded to protect U.S. citizens of "infiltration and the incursion of laws and legal doctrines foreign, especially of the sharia, Islamic law. "
In a slideshow 40 minutes available on the website of the organization, Yerushalmi explains the ins and outs of the model legislation. Its legislative proposals differ from the amendment stillborn in Oklahoma by one key aspect: they do not mention sharia, but refer more broadly of "foreign law and foreign legal doctrines." As explained in Yerushalmi In an interview in December with the nativist Français New Review, the vocabulary has a "clean face, leading to the same result, however, while" avoiding "the difficult problems posed by First Amendment jurisprudence. "

Since their development of model legislation, Yerushalmi services were much in demand to give evidence as an expert. Mid-February, he visited South Dakota to testify in favor of a bill modeled on the plan's "American law for American courts." (He also proposed to provide free legal assistance to the State if the law was legally challenged in one way or another).
Ultimately, the bill had been buried in committee after the Attorney General of the State has ensured that the bill could lead to challenges in court. "I'm a little chagrined by the fact that none of the opponents of the bill has never really played with a little attention," Yerushalmi stated before the commission. "There's something else at work here."

But Muslims are not alone in incurring the contempt of Yerushalmi. In an essay of 2006 to SANE title It Race: A Tentative Discussion , Yerushalmi argued that whites are genetically superior to blacks. "Certain breeds do better in sports, some in solving mathematical problems, in other languages, some are more successful in Western societies and others in tribal societies," he wrote.
Yerushalmi suggests that Caucasians are inherently more responsive to republican forms of government that blacks - an argument consistent with the profession of faith that emphasizes SANE on "America out of pious Christians, mostly male and almost all white." And, in an article published on the website Intellectual Conservative, Yerushalmi, who is Jewish, suggests that liberal Jews [of Left in the U.S.] "destroy their host nations like a fatal parasite." No wonder, if Yerushalmi offers the only text of a Jew in defense of Mel Gibson anti-Semitic tirade after the actor 2006. Gibson, he wrote, simply noted "the undeniable liberal Jewish influence over the affairs of the West towards a World State. "

Despite its racist, Yerushalmi was warmly welcomed by the mainstream conservative, his writings have been published in National Review and Big Peace Andrew Breitbart. It was hailed in the pages of the Washington Times . And in 2008 he published an article on the dangers of Sharia compliant financing has pushed the head of the conservative minority in the Senate, John Kyl (R-Ariz) to write a letter to Chris Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
More recently, Yerushalmi has co-authored a report on threats posed by Islamic law - among other things, he is concerned about the possibility that Islamic finance could cause another financial crisis - which has earned the applause Republicans view as the elect of the Michigan House of Representatives, Pete Hoekstra. The report had been published by the Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney for Yerushalmi which is Adviser for general affairs.
In 2007, he proposed legislation to make "adherence to the Sharia" a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The same proposal called for the expulsion of all non-Muslim citizens of the United States and a ban on Muslim immigration. The U.S., he insisted, must declare a "war against Islam and all Muslims."
Neither Yerushalmi, nor the American Public Policy Alliance has responded to our request Comments on this article.

If his writings and rhetoric racially marked can provide evidence, that Yerushalmi, not his goats Muslim envoys, who seems most determined to recast the American political system. By its statement of principles SANE "dedicated to the rejection of democracy and party system," Yerushalmi and criticized the same way the shift to universal suffrage. As he once said, there is a reason the founding fathers did not grant voting rights to women or black slaves. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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The failure of multiculturalism in Belgium

Nicolas Sarkozy , David Cameron and Angela Merkel have all recently spoken of the failure of multiculturalism in their respective countries.

A new striking proof of the failure of multiculturalism policies comes from elsewhere in Belgium, that country's unique culture walloflamande as everyone knows. For, despite a policy that recognized the rights of minorities exorbitant alien whose ability to access high positions in state institutions, this is one of those foreign elements resigns serving Prime Minister to go enlist in a foreign army, the symbol of the native culture of the individual.

Otherwise this Belgian citizen would have done the opposite approach, like his compatriot Arno Klarsfeld. Yes, he made his first military service abroad to return home and be assigned a mission to serve the state

But perhaps this should be blamed for starting the exacerbated anti-Semitism that exists in Belgium? Yes, because this argument can not be contradicted because, as can be read on the 2010 report of : What counts up or down, it's also the feelings of insecurity and unease are the barometer of antisemitism
One way to see who recalls that definition would be that the anti-Semite now less somebody one who does not like Jews than anyone that the Jews do not like.

the oldest rookie of the Israeli army began its service
Patrick Shoval, 37, left a comfortable job in the office of Belgian Prime Minister to serve Israel
By Yoav Zitun , Yediot Aharonot (Sionistan) February 3, 2011, translated from English by Djazaïri

David Patrick Shoval emigrated from Belgium to Israel six months ago at the age of 37 years, and joined the Israeli army. To do this, he had to abandon his career as a lawyer and environmental specialist at the office of prime minister in Brussels.

David is one of 300 blue from over 35 different countries who complete this Wednesday Hebrew classes taught by the military.

"I absolutely love Israel, and for me Israel wants to be first to say serve in the Israeli army, "said Shoval in Yediot.
Belgian immigration should be used as the army responsible for the protection of the environment, along with his doctoral studies at the University of Tel Aviv.

Shoval, temperament solitary soldier, speaks to the approval of his parents. "They love Israel," he said, adding that fighting will not work because of his age.
The upper of Shoval, Lieutenant Dafna Barhados, barely more than half his age. "Of course it was weird to order early because of the age difference, but what matters is that he is a soldier like the others," she said.
"Of course he clearly had special qualities because of his age, but he was motivated and wanted to serve in the Israeli army."

D Other immigrants came from the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Paraguay, Peru, Georgia, Canada, South Africa knew, Turkey, Azerbaijan and other countries, will be alongside in the database Shoval Mahvi-Alon in Galilee, where they will complete their solemn study of Hebrew.

This will be one of the most important ceremonies in the history of the Israeli army. Graduates will have studied reading and writing for three months in preparation for their inclusion in Israeli society.

addition to Hebrew, cadet training discusses Israel and its history. They visit Jerusalem and other sites and military bases. "It the true Zionism, "said Maj. Karen Kamerinsky who assumed command of immigrants [those who make their" return "to Zion] in the database.

"The real Zionism is for them to leave their parents to enlist in the Israeli army and to make significant changes in their life just to serve the state." According to Major, about half of young men engaged in combat units.

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No place for al-Jazeera the U.S.

site by Philip Weiss has always been interesting, but I as it were the impression he surpasses himself since the beginning of political events that shook the Arab world and the first result was the departure of President Ben Ali of Tunisia. It is right on this site much interesting information as well as value analysis by observers from diverse backgrounds including Philip Weiss himself that I wonder if it the moderate Zionist he was still up at Goldstone.

I offer an admittedly short article under the heading "Why they hate us" but that says a lot about what may happen to freedom of information in a country where capitalist monopolies collude with the executive and reminds us that the television channel Al Jazeera remains unavailable on cable television networks in the U.S..

Across the Atlantic, as Scott McConnell points out, no need of an alibi CSA to achieve this ...

Americans can not really find any niche for Al Jazeera?

by Scott McConnell , Mondoweiss (USA) 1 st March 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri

Today NPR's Morning [NPR is a network of independent radio] was devoted to a program on Al Jazeera , focusing the efforts of Arab governments to prevent the Arabs to watch this channel by blocking its signal by various means. Reporter Deborah Amos reports on actions to disrupt the reception of the channel and the game of cat and mouse between the television station and the Arab autocrats who try to block it.

In America, it is much more easy. Barely a whisper of the government, and cable operators make themselves so that the station is unavailable. Amos says that the chain has been "excluded from the market by cable operators reluctant against him" after it has been termed "anti-American" by the Bush administration. No attack against hi-tech satellite signals was necessary.

Given the important role that he has been recognized in the coverage of the Egyptian revolution, Al Jazeera English tries a new both access to American television market. But this is far from won. "

Take for example Comcast, the largest cable operator in the country. Marketwatch published an article today which reports that" with hundreds of channels , including many in high definition, Comcast has limited bandwidth allocated to new channels, making it difficult for a new channel to plead his cause, especially if it is perceived as occupying a "niche 'market.

I try to sympathize with the leaders of Comcast, which shame they had to abandon the programs they broadcast a channel to broadcast programming to niche from the Middle East. For example, by consulting the list of channels broadcast by Comcast, I see that there are five channels devoted to hockey, one devoted to jewelry, three slots for the National League of American Football (which are now the scouting combines ) and about 150 channels that mostly show bad movies. And then, of course, this important niche: Channel 501 which offers "Women of military alone and naked" and Channel 502 which presents "Girl on Girl 14," the channel 547 provides "First Time Porn Audition", the 548 offers "Real film sex couples" and 549 "18 Year Old Facial. "Not to mention, for those with tastes that correspond to very specific niches, two other channels devoted to" adult programs on demand. ".

But it is a system of free enterprise, and Comcast may not have enough "bandwidth" for a programming niche of Al Jazeera kind in English.