I move away from the burning issue that has shaken the Arab world and Libya in particular to talk about a conspiracy theories that plague the United States. On reflection, moreover, approaching the subject would take us away not so much political developments experienced by some Arab countries on the contrary.
It seems that President Barack Hussein Obama is mandated by the Saudi monarchy to immigrate to the United States tens of millions of Muslims, so to turn this nation into an Islamic country.
is the magazine Mother Jones, who draws our attention to this strange theory that one would expect that it originates from a group of rednecks disoriented by changes in the world today and by being governed by a mixed race.
Not at all, since this theory for the less daring is the result of the cogitations of a certain Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai has begun to peddle this alarming message in order to avoid the worst at the America. And the Zionist entity, since it goes without saying 'this is Mr. Avi Lipkin, we are told, a citizen U.S. originating from somewhere in occupied Palestine, that is to say in the "Jewish" state.
Lipkin This is actually one of the many voices who shout themselves hoarse to attract the attention of U.S. citizens and those who govern on an imminent danger of Islamization of USA.
Many of these voices come from the Zionist lobby in fact, what James Petras rightly calls the Zionist Power Configuration. Other voices to make the same type of message it is actually closely linked, a fact particularly apparent when one looks at sources of funding or to the press that reverberate.
It is for example in the article of one Michael Savage, a radio host famous in the USA. You can read this post on that Savage is actually the pseudonym of a Zionist fanatic who manages to get across to his audience as an incarnation of the American heartland.
We also speaks of a certain Glen Beck, who hosts a radio show and a broadcast television on Fox News. Beck has been severely criticized for his anti-Semitic by the Anti Defamation League (the equivalent of LICRA USA) to which he also apologized. But if we look at the content of anti-Semitic statements February 22, 2011 by Glenn Beck was surprised to find that he has compared Judaism "reformed" to "Islamic extremism , "One wonders what has been going through her head. If only he had compared the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Zionist "Islamist extremist." we could maybe understand ...
It is true that Beck and thought to please his boss Rupert Murdoch, an Orthodox Jew, a Zionist fanatic, for that Reform Judaism is a form of internal danger for the purity of the breed and its separation from other nations. But then he went one step further because if Rupert Murdoch has argued, by not disavowing and do not dismissing despite appeals from Jewish organizations in this direction. The ADL has cons need all the Jews, Orthodox or not, to maintain or reinforce the weight of the Zionist lobby in the U.S..
If Samuel Huntington talked about the clash of civilizations, the Zionists for their part, fully understood that it was not that theory is invalid and therefore patiently undertook to make this a reality. This work is beginning to show results as we have seen in the remarkable convergence of recent remarks on "the failure of multiculturalism" made by Angela Merkel in Germany, the UK and then David and finally Nicolas Sarkozy in France. In all three cases, the situation of Muslims was at stake ...
Here is the mother of all conspiracy theories of anti-Obama.
In recent years, paranoid and conservative politicians have concocted all sorts of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama. Some have said he has a secret plan to confiscate firearms. Others said he has a secret plan to get their hands on the bank accounts of the IRA. Still others argued that it was making the illegal establishment of concentration camps run by the Federal Emergency (FEMA). And of course there is the super theory: Obama is a socialist infiltrated in a deliberate attempt to ruin the U.S. economy in order to exert dictatorial takeover. But there is the matrix of all the conspiracy theories right: Obama is maneuvering to bring the United States tens of millions of Muslims - perhaps even a hundred million - the Middle East to transform the country into Islamic nation towards the end of his second term.
Fortunately, this diabolical plan has been fanned by an American of Israeli origin named Avi Lipkin who says he worked as a translator for the Israeli government, and for a pharmacy called Special Guests, which recruits commentators and supporters of the conservative arguments for talk shows on radio and television stations popular. Lipkin's website says that since 1990 he has lectured on various topics - including Israel and the threat of Islam - in more than a thousand churches and synagogues in the United States, Canada, England, Greece, Israel and other countries. His bio notes that he leads the party to block the Judeo-Christian Bible in Israel (the Facebook page of the party had 103 members yesterday).
This week, Lipkin and Special Guests have sent an email to radio programmers and TV to discuss the biggest story of all time.
According intercepted broadcasts in Arabic and interpreted by Lipkin and his team, "The Islamic world says that Obama wants amnesty for 12 million illegal Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegal immigrants to the States States from the Middle East, leading to installation in the United States between 50 million Muslims ET100 before the end of Obama's second term, which will be returned to power through the vote of these new U.S. citizens for their savior Obama. "
Lipkin, also known under the name of Victor Mordechai said to have a" source in the person of a high UN official (what he means by that) according to the U.S. "will be a Muslim country by the end of the second term of Obama." This grand project is organized so that it has three parts. Phase 1, Obama stirs up trouble in "every country in the Middle East, leading to the overthrow of regimes and their replacement by Sunni Muslims" fanatics "who engage in" the overthrow of their rivals in the Shiite regime in Iran is passing American troops. "Phase 2: a mass exodus of Muslims headed to Europe, Canada and the United States, turning out all these nations West in Muslim countries. Phase 3: nations now controlled by Islamic extremists' march on Israel to destroy it "and Obama" keeps its promise to destroy Israel .... "
There are, of course, a YouTube video that explains the scoop Lipkin. It is titled, "Barack Obama is really an 'implant' Muslim Saudi Arabia to the White House?" The answer is obvious. The video claims that "years before the 2008 election, Lipkin's wife, who worked for the Israeli government's monitoring of Arab radio broadcasts, had been tracking emissions Saudi saying, "We will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008." (You remember Obama's bow before the king Saudi In2009?). The video notes that Obama has refused to "prove" his full birth certificate "or anything else about his past." (Convergence with nativist / Birthers !) . The video given to understand that Obama and his team passed the "greatest scam in history ..." and placed a Muslim anti-American sponsored by the Saudis in the White House, thanks to public opinion and amorphous media, obsessed as one of other by skin color and type of mentality American Idol. The video goes on to say that in 2009, Lipkin's wife had heard a television show with the Egyptian foreign minister at the time who said that Obama had vowed to be a Muslim. Obama - according to Lipkin's version about the account given by his wife of version given by the minister - also said that Egyptian officials after they have finished with the debate on the health system, "You Muslims will see what I'm going to do for Islam against Israel. ; '
The video does not deal explicitly with the secret project to bring Obama to 100 million Muslims in the United States. But is not this the kind of thing that would make a Saudi agent?
Avi Lipkin Glenn Beck back on the ropes in terms of conspiracy theory. But although it is fairly marginal, it is not isolated. His video was viewed 2.9 million times. Special Guests and a pharmacy that is active in the conservative establishment. According to its website , the organization worked with the National Right to Life Committee, Catholic and Human Rights Institute, the Second Amendment Foundation and other conservative groups. The site boasts, "We put a regular guest in radio shows like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Radio, [and] Michael Savage ." The organization said only promote causes "pleasing to our Creator." It asks its potential clients, "What is your particular message? Is it useful to humanity? Do you respect God? "It is apparently pleasing to God to accuse the president of conspiring secretly - and achieve - a takeover of the United States by Muslims.
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