Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sample Proposal For Program Productions

Upside-Down Cake Caramelized Bananas (4 ProPoint)

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Source: Piece of cake!

8 servings:

2 bananas 3 eggs
125 ml milk 1 / 2 skim

50 grams of fructose
2 tablespoons sugar
150 grams of flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
30 gr melted butter 41%

Preheat oven to 180 ° C.

Cut bananas into slices about 5mm. Caramelize the sugar in a nonstick pan and top with bananas and let confire few seconds on each side.

Place bananas in a rosette in a silicone mold.

Beat the eggs with fructose, then pour butter, milk and mix well. Pour the flour and baking powder and beat to make the mixture smooth. Pour over bananas and bake for about 30 minutes.

The surface should be golden and a knife should come out clean. Turn out upside down, bananas side up.


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